Community Prompts with Expert Responses

We’ve created the best expert responses so you can focus on improving. 75+ expert responses at your fingertips.
75 Responses
What role do genetics and genetic testing have in the Canadian healthcare system?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What is your greatest weakness?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Explain our Canadian health care system at a level appropriate for a high school student to understand.

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
How has technology improved healthcare?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
A drug formulary is a list of generic and brand name prescription drugs covered by your provincial health insurance. With a finite provincial budget, how would you determine which drugs should not be included in the drug formulary (not covered by health insurance)?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What is something in your life that you are not proud of? Why?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Imagine you were a third year clerk working in a clinic with an attending. Clerks are supposed to be released from clinic at 5pm. However, the clinic is running late and it's already 5:30pm. What would you do in this situation?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
If you were a med student and you are working with a resident who has been nothing but nice to you. But you saw them yelling at another resident, how would you react?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What do you think is the biggest "problem" with the Canadian medical system? How can we fix this?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Why do you want to go into medicine?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
With AI slowly creeping its way into the healthcare field, what are three pros and three cons of AI in medicine?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
If you were a doctor and you had a patient that was unsure about getting their children vaccinated due to things they had read online, how would you counsel them?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Discuss one extracurricular experience where you had an impact on another individual?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Let's say you are a physician and your clinic is already running late. You see one of your patients who has been struggling recently and would require a longer appointment time to sort out their problems. However, your clinic is already running late and other patients are waiting. What are the ethical implications in this situation and what would you do?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What are some pros and cons to health system family medicine models that pay based on how many patients the family doctor sees?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What are some pros and cons of a three-year family residency program?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Tell me about a time you handled interpersonal conflict.

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
How would you go about convincing a parent who does not want to vaccinate their newborn?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What are some ways to reduce healthcare inequalities in Canada?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Do you think physicians should lie or withhold the truth from their patients, even if its for the patient’s own good? What are some benefits to telling the truth?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What do you think health inequality means? What does health inequity mean? Have you ever felt treated unfairly in your own life?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What are issues that people living with addiction face during a pandemic? What are some solutions to these problems?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Aside from the Medical Expert role, select another CanMED role and discuss why you think it is the most important one for a physician.

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Pick a health topic that is relevant to today’s society and discuss your thoughts on it.

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
You are a surgeon, and you discharge a patient. She becomes ill and dies not long after. The family asks why you discharged her. How do you respond?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What are some difficulties faced by physicians during the pandemic?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What do you think are the long-term benefits of the Jordan principle, for the indigenous community on a population level?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
Most Canadians have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Why do you think some Canadians are choosing not to get the vaccine?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
What is the Jordan principle? What are some long-term benefits of this principle to a child’s life?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
A 16-year-old child wants to have a procedure done but their parents disagree with this. What would you do as the teenager’s physician? Do you have to listen to the patient or the parents?

Module - 15 min
10 Video response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios