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  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

Join Our Community: Balancing Work and Education in Healthcare

Published on
January 1, 2023

Summary: This article highlights the various pressures and expectations faced by healthcare professionals in their education and professional life. It emphasizes the importance of balancing work, education, and personal life while acknowledging the challenges and sacrifices involved.


🎯 Find a balance between work, education, and personal life.

🎯 Prioritize self-care and relaxation to avoid burnout.

🎯 Stay focused and maintain good academic performance.

🎯 Seek financial assistance through scholarships and part-time jobs.

🎯 Communicate your needs and ask for help when necessary.

🎯 Take breaks when needed, but also manage time effectively.

🎯 Embrace challenges and stay motivated in pursuing your goals.

🎯 Stay connected with loved ones and maintain a support network.

🎯 Practice self-discipline and avoid procrastination.

🎯 Recognize the importance of time management and adaptability.

Go to work, get money, you need it for college.

Why are you working so much, relax, take a break.

Your grades are dropping, you’re sleeping too much,

are you even paying attention?

<p><em>You are going to fail</em>, fill out scholarships, email people<br> Apply for IE, work less, work more<br> Why can’t you do it all?<br> School is almost done, smarten up.<br> You need the grades<br> College is expensive, work more, take the extra shifts</p> <p><em>Why are you complaining?</em><br> You are the one who took the extra shift.<br> Don’t forget that assignment, did you hand it in, did you need more time?<br> Tell me if you need help, <strong>I’ll help you</strong><br> Oh, you need help? <strong>Not today</strong>, I’m busy but tomorrow I’m free<br> Here’s another assignment for tomorrow. Oh, you work?<br> Oh well, do both, <strong>I’ll help you later</strong>. Email me the questions, I’ll reply in three hours</p> <p><em>You miss seeing people?</em> You have a job, you are allowed out of the house, you talk to people.<br> Why aren’t you smiling? It’s a nice outside, go sit on the deck.<br> Oh, you have schoolwork, chores and paperwork to do?<br> Oh well, maybe next time</p> <p>Take a break, you deserve it.<br> You work too much, you need to catch up and breathe<br> Work more, be thankful you still have your job<br> Things aren’t that bad, just go to bed late, you work tomorrow?<br> Get some rest, it will be busy<br> Its payday this week, don’t spend too much.<br> Save your money, that is all you made?<br> Oh well, better luck next time. You should buy this, split your paycheque<br> Save your money, buy me this and don’t forget about college, that is in four months, you need the money.</p> <p>Stand six feet apart from each other,<br> thank you for working, see those people, they aren’t six feet apart.<br> What a disgrace<br> Wear your gloves, a mask is optional, and sanitation is a must.<br> Did you clean properly?</p> <p>Make sure to get everything done. Don’t have enough time? Then make some.<br> You can get it done, its not that hard, just make sure it is correct.</p> <p>I miss you, call or text any time.<br> I tried, you never replied.<br> Try again, I promise to reply back<br> I’m still waiting</p> <p>There’s people worse off than you, stop complaining, go to work. How was work, did you have a good day?<br> It was fine. Go do school, did you send that email? You need to send it now.<br> I’ll do it later</p> <p>You are lazy. I’m relaxing. Not now, later. Go do your schoolwork, your grades are dropping,<br> what have you even done today?<br> Take a break, but not a long break, go back to work, just don’t work too hard.</p>

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