If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attribute follow these steps:
  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

Being in University During the Pandemic | A Personal Experience

Published on
December 26, 2022

Summary: This personal account highlights the challenges and frustrations faced by a university student during the pandemic, including self-teaching, lack of guidance, and the disappointment of a virtual graduation. The author acknowledges their gratitude for being alive but also expresses the pain and emotions experienced during this time. The message emphasizes that the pandemic has affected everyone and calls for kindness towards others.


🎓 University during the pandemic can be a challenging experience, with self-teaching and limited guidance from professors.

💻 Virtual graduations may not provide the same sense of accomplishment and celebration as in-person ceremonies.

🙏 Be grateful for being alive, but also acknowledge and validate the emotions and struggles experienced during the pandemic.

💔 The pandemic has impacted everyone's lives, so it's important to be kind and understanding towards others.

Being in University During the Pandemic

An Unpleasant Experience

Overwhelming Debt

Being in university during the pandemic was an experience that I hope no one has to go through again. We, as university students, are in so much debt, to the point that sometimes looking toward the future isn't possible because the debt is blocking all of it.

But how did it feel to go through university during a pandemic? Quite honestly, it felt terrible, and I was miserable. Imagine paying more than $12,000 a year to be teaching yourself things, to be told by your professors that they do not understand how to do "this virtual thing" and that we need to do all the coursework ourselves and submit essay upon essay. With no guidance from the professors, no interactions between other students, I was in a depression.

Graduating During the Pandemic

I have now graduated from this university, and I graduated during the pandemic. Again, let's think of the amount of debt I am in. More than $50,000 in debt and my graduation was on Zoom with a PowerPoint being shared of our pictures and the degree we graduated with. My university graduation was a PowerPoint. So, $50,000+ in debt for teaching myself and a PowerPoint graduation.

Grateful to Be Alive

Still, I am to be grateful that I am alive and breathing. So many people did not make it through the pandemic. While yes, I can acknowledge that I am alive and that I did have the privilege of making it out of the pandemic, I also got a few important moments ripped away from me. Being able to walk across the stage, get my actual degree in hand, and hear my family cheer, that is what I was unable to do. I was unable to really appreciate my hard work of university. Not everyone can graduate university and that should be celebrated, not just in a PowerPoint. It is now a year and a half since I graduated, and now they want to do in-person graduations. How? How am I supposed to go to a city that I do not live in anymore and walk across a stage? My life has moved on, as that is what happens.

Moving Forward Amidst Struggles

COVID-19 tried to keep us all locked down and not moving forward in life. I was miserable during my university time while in lockdown and furious that I could not have a graduation. I have since relocated provinces and trying to put my degree to use, but nonetheless struggling as we all still are from the aftermath of COVID-19.

Acknowledging and Validating Emotions

Be grateful you're alive, they say. You made it through the pandemic, they say. I am grateful I am alive, and I did make it through the pandemic. That does not minimize my pain, the struggle that I have been through during this time, and my emotions that I have felt during this.

We're All in This Together

We are young and this was a big chunk of our lives ripped away from us. Just like you, just like your parents, coworkers, family and friends. We are all human and this pandemic hurt us all in different ways. Be kind to all!

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