If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attribute follow these steps:
  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

Springing into Action: Discovering Resilience in My Pandemic Journey

Published on
December 29, 2022


In this personal story, the author reflects on their experience during the pandemic. They initially struggled with the sudden transition to online learning and the loss of social interactions. However, they eventually found solace in exploring new hobbies and investing in personal growth. As time passed, they were able to return to classrooms and enjoy a vacation, while remaining cautious about wearing masks. The author acknowledges that the pandemic is an ongoing challenge, but they have embraced resilience and personal evolution.


🌟 Embrace change and find new passions during challenging times.

🌟 Invest in personal growth and explore hobbies to find purpose.

🌟 Adapt to new circumstances and remain cautious while enjoying life.

🌟 Cultivate resilience and continue evolving in the face of uncertainty.

My Experience with the Pandemic

A Time of Uncertainty

<p>I was 14 when the pandemic hit. I was caught off guard like many. I did not know that would be the last time I’d see my Grade 9 class. We got the announcement we had to move to online learning. The much-anticipated musical concert had to be cancelled. We had to pack our belongings and return the instruments. It was puzzling. I was left with many whys.</p>

Finding Comfort in Home

<p>Being at home seemed fun at first. It was an unexpected lifestyle of sitting on the couch all day. There was no rushed breakfast and brisk morning shower. I could move like a sloth from my bedroom to study room. Then, I was set for online learning. After class, I indulged in Netflix. The Korean dramas became my favourite. I was in another world.</p>

A Mixture of Comfort and Discomfort

<p>As comfortable as I may have been at home and having an excuse not to do rigid studies, there was just as much discomfort. There was no structure. Zoom was awkward. I never got to see a friendly smiling face – only masked ones or a black screen. I began to miss the physical presence of my friends. Our home had an unsettling silence. The house felt cavernous with one parent away and the other who worked limitless overtime as a front-liner. It was easy to get antsy, and there was also a guilt of not knowing what to do with myself while many others were losing jobs or dealing with a loss. All these only complicated my feelings.</p>

Embracing Change and Discovering Passions

<p>I had to do something. I could not wallow in my discomfort. I needed a distraction – a change. I no longer had my trombone as it had to be returned but I had my ukulele. I picked it up and there I saw the silver lining. I could make things happen! The lockdown was a chance to delve into other passions. It was a time to discover new hobbies and invest in myself. I picked up sewing and learned to make masks. I made dishcloths for my mother – much to her delight. I made a tote bag for my grandmother in the Philippines. I also discovered the art of calligraphy. At last, my days were purposeful.</p>

Moving Forward with Hope

<p>Time plods on or flies fast. Two years have passed. I am now in my senior year, and we have thankfully gone back to classrooms. So far, no one in my household has contracted COVID. My family listened to science and authorities. In September, for the first time since the pandemic hit, we took our vacation and flew to the nation’s capital. From Ottawa, we also drove to Manhattan. While in the Big Apple, we found ourselves among the throngs of tourists in Times Square. Things appeared normal. (During the visit, I only had to contend with my mother’s constant reminder to put on my mask).</p>

Evolving in the Face of Uncertainty

<p>I feel I have overcome and survived the wrath of COVID although the reality is, it’s not temporary, it’s indefinite. The virus mutates, but I find myself evolving, too.</p>

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