If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attribute follow these steps:
  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

Lockdown During the Pandemic: A Student's Experience - Balancing Learning, Relaxation, and Screen Time

Published on
December 26, 2022


During the lockdown, the author enjoyed a break from school and spent time relaxing and pursuing new hobbies. They relied heavily on screen time for entertainment and learning. When online learning began, the author found it challenging to concentrate and understand the curriculum without individualized attention from teachers. While their mental health improved, their physical health suffered. Despite the challenges, the author recognized the silver lining of self-discovery and personal growth during the pandemic.


🏖️ Take advantage of downtime and enjoy relaxation during breaks.

📺 Balance screen time with other activities to protect eye health.

📚 Pursue hobbies and self-improvement during free time.

💻 Adapt to online learning by developing computer skills.

📝 Seek additional resources to supplement understanding of the curriculum.

🧘 Prioritize mental health while acknowledging the importance of physical activity.

🌟 Embrace personal growth and self-discovery during challenging times.

Lockdown Experience: Impact on Nova Scotian Students


During March break, the lockdown had a significant impact on me and other students in Nova Scotia. Initially, the break was extended as authorities scrambled for answers. At that time, I was able to relax and enjoy my time off from school.

Adjusting to the Lockdown

While teachers, medical professionals, and government workers worked tirelessly to plan the next steps, I made the most of my break. I believed that the lockdown would be short-lived, so I cherished every moment of my extended break.

I took advantage of the extra time by staying up late, waking up late, watching movies, and playing games. I indulged in activities that I couldn't normally do while in school. Additionally, I pursued new hobbies such as learning Morse code, trying my hand at cooking, and reading books. However, my excessive screen time became a pressing issue.

Overcoming the Challenges of Online Learning

With online learning, I was initially thrilled about the reduced school hours. It allowed me to continue my irregular sleeping patterns and binge-watching habits. Asynchronous classes became my favorite because I had the freedom to focus on my own interests during that time, instead of schoolwork.

However, concentrating on school became increasingly difficult during the pandemic. The shortened school hours and the option to attend classes from my bed or the beach posed distractions. Moreover, the lack of individual interaction with the teachers made it challenging to comprehend the curriculum. As a result, I relied heavily on online resources to learn my subjects. While this improved my computer skills, it made me fearful of participating and answering questions during class.

Mental Health and Physical Well-being

Despite the difficulties, online classes had a positive impact on my mental health. However, my physical health suffered. I spent excessive hours on screens, leading to worsening eyesight. Additionally, the limited space at home made it embarrassing to exercise in front of my family, resulting in a lack of physical activity.

Reflections on the Experience

Educational learning during the pandemic proved to be a difficult experience for many, and I empathize with those who struggled. Personally, I faced challenges as well, not learning as much as I could have due to lack of focus. Nonetheless, I gained valuable insights about myself during this trying time. The pandemic experience led to self-discovery and personal growth, which made it the most rewarding outcome amidst the terrifying circumstances.

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