If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attribute follow these steps:
  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

Reflecting on a Missed Opportunity: The Impact of COVID on School Sports

Published on
December 29, 2022

Summary: The author reflects on their high school experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically focusing on the absence of school sports. They share their perspective on playing volleyball and how they didn't mind the lack of a crowd initially. However, after graduating and returning to their high school as a coach, they realized the importance of school sports and how COVID-19 had robbed them of a full experience.


🏐 School sports provide students with the opportunity to play a sport they love and feel a sense of community within their school.

👥 COVID-19 restrictions prevented students from fully participating in school sports and connecting with their peers.

💔 Reflect on missed opportunities during the pandemic, but also appreciate the resilience and adaptability developed during that time.

🎉 Returning to normalcy after a challenging period can bring a renewed appreciation for the things we may have taken for granted.

💪 As future healthcare professionals, remember the impact that community and extracurricular activities can have on overall well-being and consider advocating for their importance in healthcare settings.

My COVID High-School Experience

A Lack of School Sports

I graduated with the class of 2022. Although last June I had a full graduation ceremony, my high-school experience was far from normal. Personally, I did not mind the online learning or having to wear a mask. In fact, that was one of the easy parts of having a COVID high-school experience. For me, the hard part was the lack of school sports.

The Absence of a Roaring Crowd

Thanks to volleyball being the first sport of the school season, I was granted a Grade 10 season on the junior girls’ volleyball team. COVID completely swept out my Grade 11 season and not once did anyone get the chance to touch the court. Thankfully by the time Grade 12 came around, we got to play again. However, there was no crowd allowed to cheer us on. Initially, all of us players were so grateful that we even got the chance to play we did not even think to complain about the absence of a roaring crowd. In fact, after what we had endured, not once during this time did I feel like I was being robbed. Being allowed to play again felt like such luxury. We were finally returning to some normalcy.

Reflecting on the Opportunity

It was not until this September that I had the moment to reflect on this opportunity and see what a rip off that last season truly was! After graduation, the following year I enrolled at the University of Alberta. With volleyball still being a passion of mine, I decided to return to my high school and help coach the junior girls’ team. All restrictions put to rest, their first home game filled every seat in the gym. From the boys’ team to other students, to teachers and to parents, those girls had all the support. You can see it on their faces when they play and the energy they bring to the court. You can truly feel the presence of a crowd.

The Importance of School Sports

This is why I love school sports. It gives the students the opportunity to play a sport they love and it gives the school community the opportunity to come together. I can confidently say that I feel COVID robbed me this full opportunity. School sports is where students can meet new friends and feel involved with their school. It goes beyond the volleyball teams. Every student who missed the opportunity to be involved in a school sport through COVID was ripped off.

The Power of Community Support

By the look on the girls’ faces, there’s no other feeling like playing a sport you love and having an entire community behind you.

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