If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attribute follow these steps:
  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

COVID-19 Impact: Struggles, Insecurities, and Moving Forward

Published on
December 26, 2022

Summary: The author reflects on their struggles and insecurities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. They talk about the transition to online learning, their struggles with procrastination, and the mental impact of wearing masks. Despite their challenges, the author is still trying to cope and move forward, hoping for a return to normalcy.


🎓 Learn to adapt to changes in learning environments and make the most out of online learning.

⏰ Avoid procrastination by staying organized and aware of assignment deadlines.

😷 Acknowledge and address any insecurities or anxieties related to wearing masks.

💪 Continue to push yourself to overcome insecurities and focus on personal growth.

🌍 Stay hopeful and work towards a future where the world can recover from the impact of COVID-19.

COVID-19: My Personal Struggle

COVID-19 was something that many people have had bad experiences with. My experience isn’t something that is uncommon, yet it’s something that causes me to struggle to this day.

Life Before COVID

Before COVID, I was a student who was confident and was great socially. I was a part of most clubs and wasn’t afraid to raise my hand or eat without caring how I looked. However, when COVID came around, it made a huge difference.

The Impact of COVID

For starters, I was in 7th grade when we first had to switch to online. There was no such thing as Zoom or Google Meet for us. We just had Chromebooks that we were supposed to use to finish any assigned work, whether we understood it or not. It was a very tough time for me because I could never ever focus on just doing my work. During that time, I learned a new skill. Procrastination.

Every single assignment I had, first off, I didn’t know about them, and second, I thought I had time. I finished more than half of my assignments two or three days before school was out. I wrote a notice telling my teacher that I was sorry for all the late assignments. He reassured me, saying that I was one of the few students who had finished all their assignments. Of course, I felt relieved, but when I look back at that moment years later, I realized that I wasn’t the only one struggling. If I was among the few that handed all of their work in, many people were struggling, too.

Mental Impact

When school started back up in 8th grade, we had to go in with masks. Many would think it was a good way to have everyone back at school while staying safe. But COVID also impacted me mentally.

When I started wearing masks, I started to find some that wouldn’t hurt my nose, or that would work with my scarf. Not only that, but at some point, I started to feel insecure without my mask. It was something that continued to get worse as time passed. Even to this day, I feel anxious out in public without a mask.

Overcoming the Struggles

I’m still trying to cope with all of it and I am pushing myself to eat normally without caring what others think. Day by day, many people are being affected or are truly realizing what COVID has done to them. I hope that one day this world will get back to normal, and everyone who has suffered from COVID will get better.

Of course, everything is one step at a time. I hope that one day, I will be able to walk the school hallways without needing a mask to cover up the insecurities that I think everyone will be staring at. But until that day, I’ll take it slowly.

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