If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attribute follow these steps:
  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

Discovering the Power of Online Classes: Flexibility, Productivity, and a New Learning Experience

Published on
January 1, 2023

Summary: This article explores the author's experience with online classes and highlights the benefits of virtual learning. The author describes their morning routine of attending online lectures from the comfort of their home, enjoying breakfast while listening to the professor, and even getting distracted by social media. Despite this, the author appreciates the flexibility, convenience, and ability to prioritize information that online classes offer.


🎓 Online classes provide flexibility and the ability to study at your own leisure.

🎓 Virtual learning allows for a more optimal learning environment that maximizes your potential.

🎓 Students can prioritize important information and skip less relevant content.

🎓 Multi-tasking between different activities becomes possible with online classes.

🎓 Online learning saves time and money on commuting and maintaining physical spaces.

🎓 Virtual education has revolutionized the learning experience and is here to stay.

Online Learning: A New Paradigm for Education


I woke up at 08:55 sharp. Still in my T-shirt and shorts, I fumbled through the tangled cords of my laptop charger. After plugging my laptop in, it’s now 08:59. Clicking on the Microsoft Teams icon and watching it taking its sweet time to load ... And it’s now 09:01.

The Virtual Classroom Experience

Then I heard the professor’s voice, oh no, he’s already on Slide 3. But it’s OK, I am just a small icon on the screen with a hundred other students, no one would notice.

Learning at Your Own Pace

I proceeded to get out of the bed, walking to the kitchen first and pouring myself a glass of water. Alright, he’s still explaining how the kidneys work, which we learned in high school. I then made myself a bowl of cereal and spooned the cornflakes into my mouth hungrily as I stared at the screen. He’s now on Slide 10.

Distractions and Flexibility

I then opened Instagram and flipped through all the late-night stories. Nothing really interesting, but it is certainly more interesting than the kidneys. It’s OK, I’ll just watch everything at 2x speed later. Mentally, I was not yet awake for three back-to-back lectures, and my head was still throbbing from yesterday’s migraine.

The Benefits of Online Learning

And that is what I like about online classes. I get to sleep until the dot, and my professor is holed up cozily in his home office. The best thing is, I wouldn’t miss a single word that he says, because everything is recorded!

If education is all about absorbing the knowledge, then this is a great way for students to study at their own leisure and in conditions that work best for them. For me, it is lounging on my couch with two fluffy blankets while eating my breakfast, plus skipping the redundant introduction and going back to sentences that I didn’t have time to take notes on.

I am not opposed to online learning at all. It gives us the flexibility and an optimal learning environment that maximizes our potential. We could prioritize pieces of information that are most important to us and skip those of little yield. Multi-tasking between different categories of daily activities also becomes a possibility. We also save the time on commute and the money on maintaining a physical space. Virtual education has revolutionized our learning course and created a more comprehensive learning environment.


So maybe the pandemic did give us something positive after all. We have explored and discovered a superior approach to education, and virtual learning is here to stay.

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