If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attribute follow these steps:
  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

Overcoming Healthcare Education Challenges: Shared Experiences and Success Stories

Published on
January 1, 2023

Summary: This poem reflects on the experience of wearing masks and social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the emotions of longing for freedom, the frustration of being confined, and the paradox of missing what was once disliked. The poem highlights the courage and resilience of healthcare professionals who have sacrificed and adapted to protect themselves and others.


💪 Embrace the challenges: Remember that facing challenges head-on is a part of the healthcare profession and can lead to personal growth.

💔 Recognize emotions: Acknowledge and process your emotions, even if they may be difficult or conflicting.

💡 Adaptability is key: Learn to adapt to new circumstances and find creative solutions to problems.

🌟 Find the silver lining: Look for positive aspects or lessons in difficult situations.

🙏 Practice self-care: Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally to maintain your well-being.

👥 Foster connections: Seek support from loved ones and colleagues, as well as build relationships with patients to create a sense of community.

it was supposed to only be physical

the six feet that keep us apart

the practiced response, so typical

of them to forget the heart

beating behind the chart

after a year of masking fears,

i’m almost free. free to leave

the covered faces that bring tears

to jailors that believe, weave

fantasies i’m forced to live

paper maché walls fade as i ran

away from who they want to see

take a breath, it’s almost done.

all i have to do is pay the fee

and i’m free to be me. finally

packing my life in boxes

never understanding the paradox

of missing what i’ve grown to hate

now that i’m forced to self-isolate

with the person that almost killed me.

even after it disappeared

nothing could lift our fears

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