If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attribute follow these steps:
  1. Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
  2. To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
  3. For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 27 table of contents [Collapse].
  4. In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
5 min read

Navigating Youth Well-being During the Pandemic: A Personal Journey of Strength and Growth

Published on
December 20, 2022


The pandemic had a significant impact on the well-being of youth, causing isolation and limited social opportunities. The author shares their personal experience of anxiety and struggles with organizational skills, as well as the fear of becoming sick due to their weak immune system. Despite the challenges, they found positivity in being fully vaccinated and having mild symptoms when they contracted COVID-19. They also coped with the isolation by embracing crafting and engaging in virtual activities, such as becoming the president of an academic society and supporting international students. Despite multiple disabilities, pneumonia, and a brain injury, the author celebrates their strength and personal growth.


🌟 Embrace hobbies and activities that help maintain emotional well-being during challenging times.

🌟 Take advantage of virtual platforms to stay connected and engaged with others.

🌟 Find ways to support and engage with your community, even in the midst of personal struggles.

🌟 Recognize and celebrate personal growth and resilience during difficult circumstances.

🌟 Seek support and resources for mental health and well-being, even if access is limited.

🌟 Focus on building capacity in all aspects of life - professional, personal, academic, and social.

The Pandemic and its Impact on Youth Well-being


The pandemic remains a major challenge to the well-being of youth who became isolated and had limited social opportunities. This was the best, and worst, traumatic experience that I have been through.

My Experience during the Pandemic

When the pandemic began, I was finishing my third year at the University of Toronto. I had finally come out of my shell that I had been locked into for my first three years. I struggled immensely with anxiety, executive dysfunction and poor organizational/time management skills, among other issues, and I had finally gotten to a comfortable place where I was starting to become a leader; it was extremely disheartening when the news broke that we would have to go into lockdown.

Coping with Fear and Isolation

I had to move back in with my family. This was terrifying. No one knew what was going to come; I became instantly terrified of becoming sick. I have a pretty weak immune system, and when I get sick it usually results in hospitalization, so the thought of contracting COVID-19 was horrible. I followed public health guidelines. I very rarely left my home; it was extremely depressing. I didn’t have any hope for when things would get better.

On a positive note, the first time I contracted COVID-19 was in May 2022 and by this point I had been fully vaccinated, and only had very mild symptoms.

Embracing Hobbies and Virtual Engagement

The lockdown was extremely isolating. I didn’t have any support; I didn’t feel as if I was in a safe space to access mental health support that I desperately needed. Each day felt the same, and I knew that if I didn’t try to occupy myself somehow, I would just continue to suffer. I embraced crafting; yes, a new one each week. I have the attention span of a chicken nugget, but doing this kept me sane, grounded and helped my emotional well-being in addition to enjoying being outside.

I embraced the virtual world as best I could. I became president of an academic society; I co-designed 20+ virtual initiatives to engage with students and keep foundations of community strong during turbulent times. I started taking a real interest in academia and I started to get involved in public scholarship. I was able to support our international students through various culturally relevant programming. I got accepted into graduate school, and I’m only going up from here.

Overcoming Challenges and Building Strength

This has not been without struggle. In addition to isolation, I was diagnosed with multiple disabilities, contracted pneumonia (twice) and had a brain injury. While this appears extremely negative, I am beyond proud of my strength. I held despite the circumstances; I exceled, built community, and supported others.

Personal Growth through Adversity

I have developed on a professional, personal, academic and social level by learning to see the strength through my personal struggle and build capacity in a way that is accessible and positive for my wellbeing.

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