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Interview Preparation

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30 min

Choosing Wisely Canada: Recommendations

Developed by professional societies representing different clinical specialties in Canada, these recommendations identify tests and treatments commonly used in specialties that are not supported by evidence and could expose patients to harm.

These recommendations are not intended to be used to establish payment and coverage decisions. Rather, they are meant to spur conversation about what is appropriate and necessary treatment. As each patient situation is unique, clinicians and patients could use the Choosing Wisely Canada materials to determine an appropriate treatment plan together.

30 min

Choosing Wisely Canada: Toolkits

Choosing Wisely Toolkits are evidence-based resources that provide practical guidance, tools, and materials to help healthcare providers and patients engage in conversations about the appropriate use of medical tests, treatments, and procedures. The goal is to promote high-value care, reduce low-value practices, and ultimately improve patient outcomes while optimizing the use of healthcare resources.These toolkits typically include:

  1. Clinical recommendations and guidelines based on the latest evidence
  2. Quality improvement strategies and best practices for implementation
  3. Patient education materials and shared decision-making tools
  4. Case studies and real-world examples of successful implementation
  5. Evaluation frameworks and metrics to measure the impact of the interventions

Some specific examples of the toolkits mentioned include:

  • The Cold Standard: A toolkit to support judicious use of antibiotics for managing respiratory tract infections3
  • Drop the Pre-Op: A toolkit to reduce medically unnecessary pre-surgical assessments and investigations for low/moderate-risk patients undergoing low/moderate-risk surgeries5
  • Hospital Implementation Toolkit: A comprehensive guide with best-practice information, tools, and templates to address unnecessary tests, treatments, and procedures in healthcare settings2

By using these toolkits, healthcare providers and organizations can work collaboratively with patients to reduce overuse, minimize harm, and ensure that care decisions are aligned with the best available evidence and individual patient preferences and values.

30 min

Choosing Wisely Canada: Patient Resources Pamphlets

Choosing Wisely Canada materials encourage clinicians and patients to start a conversation about the risks, harms, and benefits of tests and treatments. These materials are meant to help patients make smart and effective care choices.

30 min

AAFP: Handouts

The American Family Physician (AFP) offers patient information handouts as valuable educational tools, with a significant portion of readers utilizing them weekly. These handouts are developed primarily by the article authors and undergo rigorous review to ensure accuracy and relevance. Aimed at a broad audience, the content is crafted for easy comprehension, targeting a 6th-grade reading level, often employing a question and answer format to address common patient inquiries. Accompanied by illustrative artwork, particularly anatomical drawings, the handouts serve to enhance patient understanding of various conditions. Available in both print and digital formats, these handouts can be easily accessed through the AFP website, where they are listed and linked within the relevant article content for ease of use. Furthermore, the AFP is committed to keeping these handouts up-to-date, with regular reviews and updates to ensure the information remains current, directing readers to for the most recent updates.

Program Bioethics Worksheets


Understanding these aspects helps in articulating your commitment to the medical profession during interviews, demonstrating awareness of the profession's depth and responsibilities.


Mastery of bioethics in HIV and AIDS care demonstrates a deep understanding of the complexities and responsibilities in healthcare. In interviews for medical schools or healthcare positions, showcasing your knowledge in bioethical dilemmas, especially in sensitive areas like HIV/AIDS, reflects your readiness to handle challenging ethical decisions and your commitment to providing compassionate, patient-centered care. Discussing case studies from this module can illustrate your ability to think critically and ethically in real-world healthcare scenarios.

Interdisciplinary Team Issues

Grasping the nuances of interdisciplinary teamwork provides a competitive edge during interviews. It enables demonstration of understanding of the collaborative nature of healthcare, readiness to engage in ethical decision-making, and ability to contribute effectively to a team.

DNR During Anesthesia and Urgent Procedures

Grasping the complexities surrounding DNR orders is vital for aspiring healthcare professionals. In interviews, showcasing your understanding of these bioethical issues demonstrates not only your knowledge but also your empathy, critical thinking, and commitment to patient-centered care.


Understanding the complexities of medical mistakes and ethical considerations involved in addressing them demonstrates a deep commitment to patient safety and ethical practice during healthcare interviews.

Student Issues

Being able to discuss handling ethical dilemmas during interviews shows character, commitment to ethical practice, and readiness to be part of the medical community, showcasing moral reasoning, empathy, and dedication to healthcare principles.
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Next Steps for You

We concentrate on three key areas: structuring responses for clarity and impact, mastering delivery to communicate with confidence, and effectively tackling a diverse array of prompts to broaden your adaptability. Each step is a building block towards a more polished and poised you, ready to face any challenge with strategy and poise.


Interviewer Experience

10 mins

Immerse yourself in the interview process by observing two students navigate through questions. Gain insights as you watch a reviewer score and offer constructive feedback, providing a real-world glimpse into the dynamics of interviews. This experience is your window into understanding the intricacies of both questioning and responding, helping you anticipate and prepare for your own journey.


Early Diagnostic MMI

15 mins

Embark on the quickest route to align your interview skills with your goals through our Calibration Test. Designed like an MCAT diagnostic, this assessment measures your current readiness, helping pinpoint strengths and areas for growth. It's crucial to begin early, treating it as a real interview to yield genuine insights. Respond to typical medical school interview questions and receive a score compared against a vast database of global applicants. This percentile or decile score offers a clear perspective of where you stand. Post-assessment, dive into top-tier answers and feedback from previous years to understand what excellence looks like.


Guidance and Feedback

3 mins
+30% score
50 Reviews

Choose the level of guidance and feedback that suits your preparation style and goals. From initial steps to advanced fine-tuning, we offer a spectrum of support to match your journey. Consider upgrading for bespoke guidance as you progress. Embrace your learning curve by identifying weaknesses and exploring effective strategies. Our team is on standby, ready to propel you forward with tailored advice and comprehensive resources. Dive in, refine your skills, and when ready, reach out for that personalized touch to elevate your journey. Your path to success starts here!

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  1. Add the z-index-3 class to the layout416_card card-[number]. This makes it possible to see and edit a specific card.
  2. Make sure you delete the z-index-3 when you finish.
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Feedback Mode: Accelerated Success

3 mins
+30% score
50 Reviews

Access concise, written feedback aimed at honing your interview skills swiftly and effectively. Customized to your progress, our guidance helps you quickly achieve your goals and return to your daily life. With each step, feedback adapts to your evolving needs, ensuring every piece of advice propels you closer to success.

Jamie scored your response an 8/10

You spoke clearly and had a good pacing. I heard a lot of ums in the beginning, so just make sure you practice not using those little words as much as you can. Also, try to show a little bit more enthusiasm so your interviewer knows that you're more engaged in the interview. You were able to identify a strength, a weakness, one is more important, so good job there. When talking about your strength, you did well talking about how you problem-solve on a general level, but your answer would be much more powerful if you could provide a specific example of the time you demonstrated the strength. So you also mentioned your problem-solving is how you live your life . . .

Feedback Score: 4/10

You went deep on where the specific difficulties lie, but I didn't hear anything in terms of how you plan to improve this weakness. A specific plan and example of how you are actively working on your weakness would be again really much more powerful. If you could also tie both of your answers, weakness and strength, into what it means to be a physician or practice as a physician, this would make your overall goal and mindset much more clear. So it's a good start as of now, an overall 4 out of 10, but keep practicing.

Recommended next steps

Opening Up Prompt: (5min)
Improve speech fluency and minimize "ums" with relaxed yet effective prompts. Regular practice increases awareness and eliminates verbal fillers, making speaking more natural and confident.

Applying Your Experiences to Medicine Course: (30min)
Learn to authentically articulate your journey and its relevance to medicine. This course deepens your understanding of strengths and experiences, aiding in responding to various interview scenarios and aligning with medical school missions.