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Dr. Cheung recommends homeopathic medicines to his patients. There is no scientific evidence or widely accepted theory to suggest that homeopathic medicines work, and Dr. Cheung doesn't believe them to. He recommends homeopathic medicine to people with mild and non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and muscle aches, because he believes that it will do no harm, but will give them reassurance. Consider the ethical problems that Dr. Cheung's behaviour might pose. Discuss these issues with the interviewer.
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I believe Dr. Cheung's behavior is ethically questionable because, while he may believe that homeopathic medicines will do no harm, there is still no scientific evidence that suggests they will provide any benefit. Further, by encouraging the use of homeopathic medicines, Dr. Cheung may be providing false reassurance to his patients and leading them to forgo more effective treatments for their ailments. Additionally, this practice could be seen as deceptive and misleading, as Dr. Cheung is straying from accepted scientific norms.

Dr. Cheung should consider the ethical implications of his actions and be honest and transparent with his patients. He must openly discuss the lack of evidence for homeopathic treatments and explain their potential harm. Doing so will maintain the trust and respect of his patients, while still providing them with compassion. Furthermore, Dr. Cheung should focus on conventional medical treatments, recommending homeopathic medicines only when they are a patient's last resort option.

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You tell a mother her two year old child has leukemia, but she refuses chemo but insists upon seeing her family physician who is a naturopath. What do you tell her, how do you handle this so that you may continue to have some influence as regards the treatment of her child? (The child‟s life is in the balance as the naturopath will be unable to save the child‟s life and you have an obligation to your patient, the child, who cannot make an informed decision. In paediatrics, its beneficence and “the rule of rescue” that takes precedence.)
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I understand your concern as a mother and respect your decision to allow your family physician to care for your child. However, I must let you know that the naturopath will be unable to successfully treat your child's leukemia and the condition may become terminal without medical intervention.

I would highly recommend that you seek treatment at a medical facility where the child can receive the proper care to manage the disease. As a doctor, I have an obligation to my patient, your child, and I must provide the best care and options available to him/her.

As I understand it, you wish to proceed with treatment under the care of your family physician. I am willing to work with you in achieving the best possible outcome for your child. Ultimately, I would encourage you to find a physician, whether the naturopath or a medically trained doctor, who is open to discuss both conventional and alternative treatments for your child. By collaborating with your family physician, we may be able to create a tailored treatment plan that is satisfactory for you and will give your child the best chances of survival.

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You are on a day out in London with a group of friends. One member of your group, who has never been to London before, becomes separated from the rest of the group in the Underground. What actions would you take?
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If a member of my group became separated from the rest of us while we were on a day out in London, my first step would be to contact the London Metropolitan Police. I would explain to them the location where the group last saw the person, the time of the incident, and any distinguishing features or characteristics of the person we are trying to locate. I would then ask for their assistance and advice for how to carry out a search. I would also reach out to Underground staff if feasible and ask for their assistance in monitoring CCTV footage of the area. It would also be useful to scour nearby areas in hopes of finding the person, or posting creative fliers around town. Finally, I would stay in London as long as it is necessary to support the search.

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A couple has decided to have a child through artificial insemination. They asked the physician for sex selection of the child. What should a physician advise in this situation?
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As a physician, I would advise the couple that sex selection of a child through artificial insemination is not ethical. There are potential risks associated with this type of artificial insemination, including an increased risk of chromosomal disorders and birth defects. Furthermore, artificial insemination does not guarantee success, so it also potentially raises the costs associated with giving birth. Lastly, sex selection could lead to gender inequality, as selection may be based on outdated gender stereotypes or cultural biases. For these reasons, I would advise against this type of artificial insemination.

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You are a second year student shadowing a doctor in the O.R. Once the patient, an obese female has been given general anesthetic and the procedure is under way the doctors start to make comments about her weight and call her names that you find inappropriate but most of all unprofessional. Do you talk to the doctor about his comments or do you keep your comments to yourself? Why?
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I believe it is my responsibility, as someone of medical authority, to address any inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. I would speak to the doctor privately about his comments, and explain why such language is hurtful and not conducive to a professional medical environment.

In my opinion, treating each patient with respect, empathy, and professionalism is paramount to the success of any medical procedure. Making derogatory comments about a patient's weight contributes to a hostile work environment. Additionally, overemphasizing an individual's weight not only has the potential to be hurtful but can also be harmful to the patient's mental and physical health.

I believe that a successful medical team is a united one. I would ensure that this doctor understands how his words can be seen as derogatory and unprofessional and advocate for the patient's right to their own dignity and respect.

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A Kootenay town runs a health-collective that provides various alternative and traditional forms of medicine. The physicians there encourage parents of small children not to vaccinate their children. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of this opinion.
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From a medical perspective, it is important to ensure that all forms of healthcare are provided to all people in a safe and responsible manner. With regards to the health-collective in the Kootenay town that provides various alternative and traditional forms of medicine and encourages parents of small children not to vaccinate their children, there are both positive and negative impacts.

The positive impacts are that the collectives offer more health options to families who may not have access to them. Additionally, by providing alternative treatments, it allows families to explore natural medicine and concurrently use traditional medicine which may lead to more desired outcomes.

The negative impacts are that this collective does not emphasize the importance of vaccinations for children. Vaccines are necessary for a large population of children to protect them from dangerous and preventable diseases. Without this protection, these children may be at risk of developing deadly illnesses. In addition, when children are not vaccinated it can cause health risks to those children and individuals in the broader community. Therefore, it is imperative that parents make evidence-based decisions when it comes to vaccinating their children, utilizing both traditional and alternative methods.

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Preferential Admission (Knowledge of the Heath Care System): Due to the shortage of physicians in rural communities such as those in Northern Ontario, it has been suggested that medical programmes preferentially admit students who are willing to commit to a 2 or 3 year tenure in an under-serviced area upon graduation. Consider the broad implications of this policy for health and health care costs. For example, do you think the approach will be effective?
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I believe this approach has the potential to be very effective in addressing the physician shortages in rural areas; however, there are important considerations that must be taken into account to ensure its success. Firstly, there needs to be sufficient incentives for physicians-in-training to commit to working in underserved communities. This could include measures such as increasing stipends or providing additional training or specialty opportunities. Secondly, the government must ensure that medical programs are taking steps to ensure that these graduates are well-prepared to practice in underserviced areas; this could involve introducing dedicated tracts or streamlining curricula to provide appropriate training. Thirdly, there should be sufficient resources and infrastructure to support the influx of new physicians, such as access to appropriate specialist care and diagnostic technologies. Finally, any policy should consider the potential impact on health costs; for example, increased spending in rural areas as a result of better access to care and improved health outcomes overall.

All in all, I think preferential admission could be a successful policy, assuming it is well-planned and supported. It has the potential to greatly improve access to care in underserved areas, leading to more efficient and cost-effective care in the long run.

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Your best friend tells you he is a compulsive gambler. He has lost all his money and he asks you for a loan in order to buy food, to pay back his loan sharks and then use the rest to try to win it all back. Discuss the broad implications of gambling on society.
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Gambling can have significant implications for society as a whole because it can lead to a range of economic issues. It is possible for excessive gambling to lead to large losses of money, bankruptcy and even homelessness. Depending on the scale of the problem, gambling can have an impact on entire communities when people are unable to make rent payments or purchase food and other necessary items, or when money for large development projects is lost. On a personal level, gambling can cause a range of emotional and psychological issues. People who gamble excessively often damage relationships and lose their ability to resist cravings, leading to a cycle of addictive behavior.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with a loan. Lending you money would not be a responsible action because it enables your behavior and keeps you in the cycle of gambling. If I could go back in time, I would have encouraged you to explore ways to take more control of your life. What I can do is provide you with emotional support and guidance. This can include helping you find resources in your community that better address your needs and overall psychological well-being, such as counseling and addiction centers. There are also financial services and advice centers that can provide you with helpful information and support.

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Due to a shortage of physicians in rural and Northern communities in BC, some policy-makers have suggested that medical programs preferentially admit students who are willing to commit to a 2 or 3 year tenure in rural areas after graduation. Consider the broad implications of this policy for health care and the costs associated. Will this policy be effective?
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The policy of preferentially admitting students willing to commit to a 2 or 3 year tenure in rural and Northern communities of BC is an effective way to address the shortages of physicians in these areas. It would not only help to address the current shortages, but it would also create a more sustainable and equitable model of health care across the province. The policy would also help to improve the quality and access to healthcare for rural and Northern communities, allowing for more timely care and better overall health outcomes.

However, this policy should also consider the costs associated with such a system. The additional costs would include improved education, access to medical equipment and supplies, and medical staff to ensure that the necessary care is being provided to these communities. In addition, there will be the costs associated with recruiting doctors willing to commit to a short-term multi-year tenure in rural and Northern BC.

Overall, it is essential to ensure that the policies created to address the shortage of physicians in rural and Northern communities are effective and sustainable. These policies should take into account the costs associated with implementation, while also creating equitable and accessible health care structures.

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When is it appropriate to participate in assisted suicide of a patient? Why or why not?
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I am of the opinion that assisted suicide, in any form or capacity, should only be considered a last resort as a way to respect the patient's right to die with dignity. A physician should never take lightly the decision to allow a patient to die and should strive to offer other forms of medical intervention or pain management. It is never appropriate to suggest assisted suicide until all other medical options have been exhausted, or the prognosis has been determined by medical professionals to be dire and not curable. Even in such cases, the consent of the patient or the patient's family is required before any form of assisted suicide is even contemplated. The right to die with dignity is an agreement between a doctor and the patient, and it should only be seen as a last resort.

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Imagine your friend‟s father is 70 years old and has lived in Edmonton his whole life. He is taken to the emergency department at the University of Alberta Hospital. He has had good health until now and this is the first time he has been to hospital of any kind since he was 20 years old. What changes in the healthcare system and environment in the hospital do you think he would notice?
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I think he would notice a few major changes. First, the overall environment of the hospital has changed a lot in the past 50 years. He would see much more cutting-edge technology, such as modern medical equipment and diagnostic tools, that have helped improve patient care. He may also see a more automated hospital, where nurses and doctors are able to access patient records electronically and more quickly.

Second, he would notice an increased focus on patient comfort and satisfaction. Hospitals nowadays have more emphasis on patient-centered care, meaning the hospital staff would be focused on the patient’s wellbeing and the experience they have in the facility. He may also encounter a more diverse team of medical professionals, with different backgrounds and experiences that work together to ensure a quality healthcare experience.

Finally, he would notice a change in the overall structure of the healthcare system. New regulations and laws on insurance and patient privacy would be in place that were not present during his previous visit. In addition, it’s likely that cost of care and accessibility to care have both improved since then.

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The parking garage at your place of work has assigned parking spots. On leaving your spot, you are observed by the parking attendant as you back into a neighbouring car, a BMW, knocking out its left front headlight and denting the left front fender. The garage attendant gives you the name and office number of the owner of the neighbouring car, telling you that he is calling ahead to the car owner, Tim. The garage owner tells you that Tim is expecting your visit. You enter Tim‟s office.
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When I entered Tim's office, I immediately apologized for the incident and explained what had happened in detail. I could tell that Tim was understandably upset, so I offered to take full responsibility for the damage and take care of any costs associated with the repair. I informed him that I had the insurance coverage necessary to cover the repairs, and if he needed assistance with filing a claim, I was more than willing to help. I also let him know that if there were any other expenses, such as a rental car or towing fees, I was happy to cover those too. Finally, I promised Tim that I would do whatever I could to ensure the issue was resolved in a timely and satisfactory manner.

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You are a 1st year med student and you are in the room with a small group of students, a doctor and a young female patient. The doctor tells the patient to remove her shirt to do a breast exam. The patient is visibly uncomfortable but does what she is told. The physician then performs the exam and tells you to do it as well. Discuss your reaction to this situation.
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Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this situation. It is a difficult one in which all stakeholders must have their best interests and comfort considered. My reaction to a patient being uncomfortable while removing her shirt to do a breast exam is one of empathy and care. As a student, I would offer to talk to the patient and explain the procedure. I would offer her an opportunity to ask questions and to take comfort knowing that a doctor was present in the room. Additionally, I would explain the procedure in detail and offer her a gown or other form of covering prior to the exam starting.

As for the elderly woman in the emergency room with asthma, there are quite a few ethical issues at play. The first is the patient's autonomy in deciding whether or not to accept a student's care. Since the patient is unable to make a fully informed decision due to her health condition, the onus is on the physician and/or student to ensure that the elderly woman's wishes and beliefs are taken into consideration before making any decisions. Additionally, in this case, it is important to understand the woman's culture and religion, and to offer alternatives if treatment from a student is not acceptable. Safeguards should ensure that both the patient and the student are considered. For instance, a nurse or other healthcare provider could be present to ensure that the patient's wishes are respected and that the student is not in any danger. Additionally, it is important to consider clear communication between the physician and student, and to explicitly explain why certain decisions are being made.

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Discuss any topical health care issue that is unique to the Pacific Northwest region (or region for Med School you are applying to)?
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As a physician practicing in the Pacific Northwest, one of the most pertinent health care issues that we’re facing is the rise of opioid addiction. As the crisis spreads, many people are being put at risk and the numbers of deaths are on the rise every year. This has led to an increase in resources and efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. Some of these interventions include access to medications that can help with addiction, such as buprenorphine, as well as places where individuals can safely dispose of unused prescriptions in order to help prevent misuse. In addition, there is an ongoing dialogue to provide better access to mental health resources, as many people that are developing addiction habits are being driven to drug use out of desperation. All of these efforts are geared toward providing better and more comprehensive care, in order to help address this issue in our region.

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You are working in a clinic for street youth. A 16 year old girl comes in seeking sleeping pills that you do not think is appropriate for her. She says she will see another doctor if you do not prescribe them. What would you do?
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If the 16 year old is exhibiting signs of depression, suicidal ideation, or other mental health issues then I would first suggest engaging her in a dialogue to better assess her mental state. I would explain to her the importance of discussing with a mental health professional whatever may be causing her insomnia instead of using sleeping pills to cope. I would also emphasize that I am not able to better help her if she withholds important information and advise her to see a mental health professional that can better understand her condition and be able to provide more focused and personalized care. If the patient remains insistent on seeking sleeping pills, then I would refer her to another doctor who might be more willing to prescribe them. Under no circumstances would I prescribe sleeping pills to this patient and risk her safety for my own convenience.

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You discover that your boyfriend has a substance abuse problem. His conduct has never been influenced by this since you have been together. How do you handle this?
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If I discover that my boyfriend has a substance abuse problem, I would first want to approach him and talk about his problem in a calm and understanding manner. Expressing my love and support for him as we discuss the issue is key. I understand how difficult it can be to open up, so I don't want to create an environment of judgement in the conversation.

In the discussion, I would have to express my concern and make sure that he realizes that this is a serious matter. I would then encourage him to seek professional help, such as a specialist or a support group. It is important that he get the right diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up support.

At the same time, I will try to be flexible in adjusting as needed and focus on our relationship, if that is what he wants. There may be times of frustration, but staying engaged and continuing to care is important. I believe that with the right support, he can get back on his feet.

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If you have the choice of giving a transplant to a successful elderly member of the community and a 20 year old drug addict – how do you choose?
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If I had to choose between giving a transplant to an elderly member of the community versus a 20 year old drug addict, there is no easy answer. In my experience, treating a patient with an organ transplant is always a complex process and merits an individualized approach. Ideally, in such a situation, I would want to ensure that the person who is most likely to have the best overall outcome, with the highest likelihood of leading a full and satisfying life, would be the recipient of the transplant. In making the decision between the two people, I would need to carefully consider a wide array of factors, including the physical and mental health of the patients, the patient's post-transplant prognosis, their family and community dynamics, and their individual circumstances. This determination would be based on an evidence-based, ethical framework that aimed to provide the best outcome for both the individual and the greater community. Ultimately, my decision would be guided by the well-being of those involved and by the Hippocratic Oath, which I would strive to uphold to the best of my ability.

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Do you think general practitioners have an obligation to report their patients' health status to a public health agency, if their patients have active infectious diseases?
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Yes, I believe that general practitioners definitely have an obligation to report their patients' health status to a public health agency when their patients have active infectious diseases. This is important because it can help protect and reduce the spread of infectious diseases, thereby protecting the overall public health of a community. Furthermore, reporting these health statuses can help to ensure that the most efficient public health interventions are implemented and can result in better outcomes for patients with active infectious diseases.

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There are two people in the next room that are in a conflict. Mediate the discussion and find a way to resolve the situation.
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If I were mediating a discussion between two people in conflict, I would begin by encouraging and creating a safe space for conversation. I would explain the importance of listening intently and without interruption to each person's perspective. Then, I would ask each person to speak in turn to create an understanding of both sides. After each person has had a chance to express their point of view, I would help them identify any common ground and ways to move forward. I would also help them explore different perspectives, looking for gaps or misunderstandings. Finally, I would collaborate with each person to develop a mutually beneficial resolution and create an action plan to ensure that the conflict is managed over time.

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Your friend is of Chinese descent and fluent in Mandarin. You both want to get into medicine. She registers for Mandarin 101, a course in Chinese language for beginners. The course coordinator asks that students who can already speak just a little bit of Mandarin should leave because this is a course for beginners. Your friend remains but makes a sufficient number of deliberate mistakes in the classroom discussions, in the required homework and in the examinations that she will not be detected and yet still receive an excellent grade. What would you do in this situation?
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If I was in this situation, I would speak to my friend and encourage her to come clean with the course coordinator. It may be difficult for her to do so, but honesty is always the best policy. Furthermore, participating in this course dishonestly is not only unethical, but could also be against the rules of the medical school if my friend is accepted.

If she does not want to come clean with the course coordinator, I would encourage her to drop the course and take an alternative course such as a Mandarin language immersion program that is better suited for someone with her level of language fluency. Additionally, I would recommend that she set up a meeting with the course coordinator to explain the situation in a respectful way.

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In recent years, there has been an increase in popularity of full contact sports, such as Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and boxing. Should doctors have a role in regulating such sports?
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Doctors should certainly have a role in regulating full contact sports such as UFC and boxing. As the healthcare professionals on the front lines of keeping athletes safe, doctors are well positioned to help guide regulations regarding such sports. We can help set standards for safety equipment, monitor and effectively treat concussions and other injuries sustained during fights, and provide medical advice on how to maintain the health of fighters. By working alongside sports governing bodies, doctors can help to keep athletes safe and promote the responsible practice of full contact sports.

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A high school student has to choose between two colleges. The student had several friends who were similar to himself in values and abilities at each school. All of his friends at school A liked it on both educational and social grounds; all of them at school B had deep reservations on both grounds. The student visited both schools for a day and his impressions were the reverse; he enjoyed school B, but had reservations about school A. Dr. James Wanstedt provided a testimonial that school B provides a superior education. Furthermore, the registrar at school B has just released a report claiming that the employment rate for graduates of school B is 93%, 10 percent higher than it was 10 years ago. Finally, an unbiased consumer advocate reports that 98% of the alumni association have indicated that they were happy or very happy with the education they received at school B. Which school should the student choose? Discuss the student's decision with the examiner.
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I believe that the student should ultimately choose the school that best fits their needs. School B seems to have a lot of evidence in favor of it, with the Dr. Wanstedt testimonial and the recent report from the registrar. Additionally, the 98% satisfaction rate from the alumni association is also a big plus. However, the student should also weigh their personal impressions from the daylong visit. If he enjoyed school B more, but was still unsure of its educational and social merits, then he should make sure to look into the school since his friends, who have similar values and abilities, all seem to be happy there. Ultimately, the student should choose the school that best fits his needs and values after gathering as much information as possible.

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Discuss one of these health care issues: human genome project, AIDS, abortion, the right to die, the cost of health care, and genetic engineering.
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I would choose to discuss the human genome project. The human genome project was a groundbreaking international research effort to sequence, map, and understand all the genes of human beings. This effort resulted in the generation of invaluable genomic data and technologies that has enabled us to better understand, diagnose, and treat many genetic disorders and diseases. Additionally, this database provides us with greater understanding of how the human body functions and how genetic variations might contribute to health and disease. As a medical professional, I understand the potential of this type of research to help us improve medical care and disease prevention, and I believe it is crucial to continue to support this kind of scientific innovation.

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You are a physician who has finished his or her day and decide it's appropriate to leave on time for the first time in months. You have promised to meet your family for dinner. You suddenly receive a phone call from Mrs. Black, a 87 year old patient in a nursing home long time, who wishes that you attend to her long-standing condition. She has been patient of yours for 15 years and refuses to see another doctor. What issues are involved? How would you approach this situation?
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I understand that Mrs. Black is a long-time and loyal patient whom I am grateful for, and I empathize that she wishes to receive medical attention from me, even at the expense of my own personal plans. That being said, I would approach this situation with the utmost respect for Mrs. Black's trust and long-standing relationship with me.

I would first discuss the conflict at hand with Mrs. Black and explain that my plans have already been made, and that I am unable to break them. However, I would be willing to make alternative arrangements that could potentially allow me to attend to her medical needs while still managing my personal obligations. We could try to find an earlier time, or a different day that is convenient for both of us.

I understand the importance of continuity of care and would honor Mrs. Black's wish to receive my care. That being said, I would make sure to also suggest other healthcare providers in the area who could provide her with the same high-quality care that she has come to expect from me.

Working together with Mrs. Black, I am confident that we can find a solution that meets her medical needs. I will strive to do my best to ensure that Mrs. Black's medical needs are met in a timely and ethical manner.

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An eighteen year-old female arrives in the emergency room with a profound nose bleed. You are the physician, and you have stopped the bleeding. She is now in a coma from blood loss and will die without a transfusion. A nurse finds a recent signed card from Jehovah's Witnesses Church in the patient's purse refusing blood transfusions under any circumstance. What would you do?
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Given the patient's wishes and medical circumstances, it is clear that I need to act swiftly to ensure the patient is provided with the full range of care. The patient has the right to refuse any treatments, however in this instance I would seek the patient's family or the Court for approval for transfusion, as the patient is in a coma and cannot make such decisions on her own. In Canada, doctors are expected to respect the rights of religious and cultural diversity of a patient when providing care. Therefore, if her refusal is based on faith, I would work with the family and the church to see if there are any alternatives that would be suitable for the patient based on her religious beliefs. Ultimately, I will have to make a decision based on the knowledge that I have that is in the best interest of the patient.

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As a physician at a local hospital you notice that there is a man with an alcohol dependency who keeps on consuming the hand sanitizer offered at the hand sanitizer stands throughout the hospital. He is not a patient at the hospital at present but has been many times in the past. Consequently, there is often no hand sanitizer for public use. What do you do? Do you remove/change location of hand sanitizer stands? Do you approach him?
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As a physician, my priority is to provide the best possible care to the patients and visitors of our hospital. In the context of the situation described, my first priority would be to assess the health and safety risks that this person and other members of the public may experience due to their alcohol dependence and the availability of hand sanitizer. I believe that a multi-faceted approach is needed to address this issue.

Firstly, I would discuss the matter with the hospital management and security personnel to determine the best approach to managing the hand sanitizer stands in the hospital and to devise a plan for intervening with the individual. This may involve providing the individual with support services and outreach programs, as well as relocating the hand sanitizer stands to areas where the individual's access to the sanitizer is more difficult or restricted.

Secondly, I would approach the individual to discuss his alcohol abuse, offer him the support he needs, and inform him of the risks associated with his issue. I believe that, as someone with a medical background, I am best placed to provide him with accurate information on his alcohol dependence and how to best seek help to manage it.

Finally, I would collaborate with hospital staff and management to ensure that appropriate policies, protocols, and procedures are in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of patients and staff. This may involve additional training and providing guidance to the staff on how to manage these situations.

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Recently, a drug company has been aggressively marketing their HPV vaccine for young girls to protect young women from cervical cancer. The vaccine has gained support because it will be protecting girls from this potentially deadly and costly disease. However, some people think there haven‟t been enough clinical trials. Pick a stance on this issue and prepare to support your argument.
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My stance on this issue is that the HPV vaccine should be available and supported, as the cost of cervical cancer prevention is far less than the cost of treating this disease. I believe the clinical data currently available on the vaccine supports its efficacy for preventing HPV-associated diseases, such as cervical cancer. This data shows that the vaccine has a high level of safety, efficacy, and acceptability. Additionally, there has been research in multiple countries studying the immunogenicity of the vaccine and results demonstrate that it stimulates an appropriate immune response.

I understand there are concerns that there are not enough clinical trials, but with its 10-year history, this vaccine has been rigorously studied. What's more, the medical community believes that HPV vaccines offer high levels of protection, citing data that determines it can help reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Thus, I rely on the collective medical opinion of the medical field when it comes to this issue.

The ultimate priority when deciding to implement a vaccine should be the safety of those receiving it. We must not forget that the HPV vaccine can help to save countless lives, both by preventing initial infection and by preventing subsequent cervical cancer induced from the infection.

We owe it to our patients to ensure their safety and we owe it to the public to do our due diligence when it comes to vaccines. That is why I am an advocate for the HPV vaccine.

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The daughter of the interviewer is 16 years old. She is adamant that she have a tattoo next week. The interviewer is against letting her daughter have a tattoo and this is causing much friction in the household. What advice would you give the interviewer?
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I would start by advocating for open communication. It's important that the daughter and her parents talk about the implications of getting a tattoo before making a decision. This is especially important at 16-years-old, as tattoos may permanently mark her body. The implications of having a tattoo at a young age need to be discussed before the daughter makes a decision.

It's also important to understand why the daughter is interested in getting a tattoo. Does she feel like it expresses her identity? Does she want to feel more grown-up? It's important to explore any motivations that the daughter has for getting a tattoo.

In addition, it's important to recognize the legal implications. In Canada, minors (persons under the age of 18) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to get a tattoo. The daughter's parents should think about what message they are sending by accompanying her to get a tattoo and consider if it is okay for them to consent for their daughter to get a tattoo.

Ultimately, it is the daughter's choice. She may make a decision to get a tattoo, and parents need to accept that she is ready to make that choice. However, it is important for her to fully understand the implications and make an informed decision.

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Discuss the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana on the Canadian Health Care system. How does this impact a physician‟s present ability to write out prescription for „medical marijuana'? Would legalization cost the health care system more or less after it was passed?
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As a physician, I can see both sides of this issue. Legalizing marijuana could potentially have a positive impact on the health care system, as it could be helpful for certain medical conditions, yet there may be a negative impact due to the associated risks and potential for abuse.

In terms of the pros of legalizing marijuana, research has shown that it can be beneficial to those with certain medical conditions such as chronic pain, nausea, and even glaucoma. It can also be prescribed to those with mental illness to help with anxiety and depression. This legalization would allow physicians to prescribe it as a form of alternative medicine.

On the other hand, there are potential downside to legalizing marijuana. Apart from the risks of addiction, marijuana has been linked to physical and mental health problems such as an increased risk of lung cancer, memory problems, and psychosis. Additionally, if marijuana is legalized, it could lead to increased recreational use, which could potentially strain the health care system.

In regards to a physician’s ability to write out prescriptions for medical marijuana, its legalization would open up that opportunity. For example, in Canada, medical marijuana requires a prescription from a physician, even in legalized states.

In terms of its financial impact on the health care system, it is difficult to predict whether legalizing marijuana would result in more or less expenses for the system. On one hand, it could result in increased tax revenue and the ability for physicians to bill for the service of prescription writing, yet on the other hand, treating the potential health problems related to marijuana could cost the system more money.

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An athlete who is training for the Olympics admits that he is using anabolic steroids and asks you to monitor his liver function. He would prefer to be under your care, as you are his family physician and you know his history. However, he states that if you do not agree, he will go to a walk-in clinic. Discuss the ethical issues in this case.
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As a physician, my primary concern is for the patient's health and well-being. My response to this patient's request is to strongly advise him against using anabolic steroids, as they are linked to serious health issues, including liver damage.

I would also advise him to seek medical care from a specialist rather than relying on a walk-in clinic, as that type of care may not be able to address the negative effects of steroid use on his body. Additionally, I would discuss with him the possibility of providing anonymous testing for drugs in his system to help him monitor his health, as well as the potential risks of using steroids in the long term.

Finally, I would want to discuss the ethical issues surrounding the use of such performance enhancers, including questions of fairness and health implications. Ultimately, I would urge him to consider other methods of training and competing to avoid the risks associated with anabolic steroid use.

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Your company needs both you and a co-worker (Sara, a colleague from another branch of the company) to attend a critical business meeting in San Diego. You have just arrived to drive Sara to the airport. Sara is in the room.
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I have arrived to drive Sara to the airport. I'm pleased to report that Sara is in the room and ready to go. We have discussed what we need to do at the meeting and I'm confident that she is well-prepared. We both understand how important this business meeting is and we want to do our best and make sure the meeting is a success.

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A physician went to vacation for 2 weeks. He did not find another physician to cover him. One of his patients with hypertension developed severe headache. The patient has an appointment with the doctor as soon as he comes back from vacation. The patient did not look for another physician and decided to wait. The patient suddenly collapses and was diagnosed to have intracranial hemorrhage. Is the physician responsible for this patient?
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No, I do not believe the physician in this case is responsible for the patient's intracranial hemorrhage. The patient could have sought medical care from another physician while the doctor was on vacation, but chose not to do so. It would be unfair to blame the doctor who was away on vacation. The patient was ultimately responsible for his own health, and should have taken the necessary precautions if he wanted to ensure his safety when the doctor was not available.

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Should the government directly fund the education of medical students as opposed to funding other professions such as law and engineering? Discuss this question with the interviewer.
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I believe the government should fund the education of medical students. As a profession, there is a larger societal benefit due to the added value medical students bring to society. Having a healthy population leads to a more productive population, better economy and greater opportunities for everyone. Additionally, the cost of medical education is extremely high, making it difficult for people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to pursue a medical degree. By directly funding medical students, the government can help increase the number of qualified medical professionals, which in turn, can increase access to care and lessen the burden of the healthcare system. Ultimately, the government should fund medical students in order to ensure a better society.

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A Vancouver bio-tech company was hired by the US Military to develop a cure for Ebola. They successfully developed a vaccine to treat the symptoms of the virus and lowered the mortality rate for infected patients. Discuss the implications of this on a global scale.
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The development of a vaccine to treat the symptoms of Ebola by a Vancouver biotechnological company is an incredibly positive development for global healthcare. By successfully developing this vaccine, the mortality rate of infected patients has been lowered, providing a critical wave of relief to those countries disproportionately affected by this insidious virus.

In terms of the implications of this on a global scale, most importantly, this successful vaccine could lead to more widespread distribution of the treatment, enabling more patients to access this life-saving medicine. It could also act as a catalyst for further research and collaboration on other deadly diseases, driving technological advances and enabling governments to pool resources to tackle these global health issues. Finally, by increasing access to an effective treatment, countries may be more willing to take in and manage populations of people who are at-risk for Ebola, as well as other communicable diseases.

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In his recent novel „I am Charlotte Simmons‟, Tom Wolfe bases on life at a typical university in North America. He develops various characters and describes their lives, surroundings, beliefs, and moral behaviour while they are at the university. Wolfe acknowledges that it is 40 years since he himself was a student at university. Consequently, his children, currently at university, read the drafts of the book as it was been written and ensured that the descriptions associated with life at this fictitious university were appropriate for the modern day. What changes to the original script do you think Wolfe‟s children made?
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I believe one of the key changes that Wolfe’s children likely made to his script was related to technology. 40 years ago, when Wolfe was a medical student, mobile phones, computers, and the internet were still in their infancy, so much of his original script would have been out of date compared to the way university life looks today. His children probably urged him to make the changes to accurately reflect the modern university experience, where technology plays a huge role in student life, whether it be communication, learning, or even socializing. In addition to this, I believe they also ensured that he correctly captured the social and cultural values of today's university students.

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A member of your family decides to depend solely on alternative medicine for treatment of his or her significant illness. What would you do?
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First of all, I’d try to understand the motivations behind my family member’s decision and ask for more information about the therapeutic approach they are considering and the available evidence for it. Depending on the context, I may be open to further exploring and discussing the alternative approach. However, I would ultimately advise my family member on the best route of treatment based on the most recent and reliable evidence-based research I’ve learned so far in medical school. I would encourage them to consult experts with knowledge and experience in traditional medical treatments. Ultimately, I would encourage my family member to pursue a combination of traditional and alternative treatments, if appropriate, in order to help ensure the best chance of relieving their symptoms and achieving the best health outcome.

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You are a genetic counsellor. One of your clients, Linda, had a boy with a genetic defect that may have a high recurrence risk, meaning her subsequent pregnancies has a high chance of being affected by the same defect. You offered genetic testing of Linda, her husband, and their son to find out more about their disease, to which everyone agreed. The result showed that neither Linda nor her husband carry the mutation, while the boy inherited the mutation on a paternal chromosome that did not come from Linda's husband. In other words, the boy's biological father is someone else, who is unaware that he carries the mutation. You suspect that Linda nor her husband are aware of this non-paternity. How would you disclose the results of this genetic analysis to Linda and her family? What principles and who do you have to take into consideration in this case?
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In a situation like this, I believe that empathy and sensitivity are the most important guiding principles. In the counselling session, I would start by affirming the emotions Linda and her family are feeling and expressing understanding of the difficult news. I would explain to them the results of the genetic analysis in a fact-based, non-judgmental way and acknowledge that education, support and counseling may be necessary for this process.

I would also make sure that I present the facts to Linda and her family in a nuanced way, as to respect the privacy of both sides. In such a delicate situation, it is important to make Linda and her family feel like their feelings and worries are valid, while also giving a responsible and educational conversation on the subject.

Throughout the conversation, I would take into consideration the possibility of psychosocial and psychological distress among those involved, which is often brought on by ethical implications like this one. I would also tell Linda and her family that resources can be available if they choose to take them (e.g. counselling).

In the end, regardless of what they choose to do, they need to all be comfortable with the decision they make.

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You are given a list of items that you would want to take in your suitcase for a two-week holiday. You are told that you can only pack half of the items available.
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If I'm given a list of items to take on a two-week holiday and can only pack half of them, I would pack the items that I will use more frequently and those that are lighter weight. For instance, I would bring clothes that are easy to layer and coordinate, so that I can mix and match to create different looks. I would also bring items such as toiletries, a first aid kit, and any medications that I may need. I would also include any necessary documents and paperwork to make the trip smoother. Finally, I would bring whatever electronics I will need, such as a laptop, cell phone, and any charging cords. That way, I can stay connected with family and friends and not miss a beat.

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You are a cardiologist at a local hospital, who just finished a shift and has a tight run to your daughter's high school graduation ceremony. As you headed off to the door, Jennifer, a patient who knew you well, saw you from the waiting room and grabbed your attention. "Doctor! I have a bad chest pain. Please stay for a bit. I'll feel much better if you were here." Enter the waiting room and talk to Jennifer.
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Hello Jennifer, it's great to see you today. I'm sorry to hear that you are having chest pain, and I wish that I could stay longer and really chat, but I'm on my way to my daughter's high school graduation ceremony. Can you tell me what the pain feels like? Is it sharp, radiating, aching, or something else? What makes it better or worse? How long have you been feeling it? I know that this is a very important moment, and I want to make sure that you are feeling better and taken care of before I go, so what do you think we should do to make sure that you are doing okay?

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You have a meeting set up with Frankie. He is the son of a family friend who moved to Thunder Bay about 20 years ago and so you have never met him. He has come down from Thunder Bay to look over "southern universities". He urgently needs some information on schools as he will have to make some serious decisions soon. He is happy to get this meeting as he realizes how tight your schedule is. In fact your next meeting is in 8 minutes. Frankie is in the room.
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Hello Frankie! It’s great to meet you. I can tell you a bit about medical schools in Canada that you may be interested in. Depending on your academic background and qualifications, there are some great programs available. First, you would need to check if there are any prerequisite courses you need to take in order to be eligible to apply.

Also, depending on whether you want to pursue MD or DO, you should start looking into programs that offer that. Additionally, look for programs offering specialties that you’re interested in and ones with a good track record for getting students into top residencies. Even if the university isn’t particularly well known, a good program can be a great fit for you.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask around—reaching out to doctors, advisors, and current students in the program can help you get a better understanding of what a program offers.

Does that make sense? Is there anything else I can answer for you?

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Do you think medicine should be more about changing behaviour to prevent disease or treating existing disease?
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I think medicine should strive to be inclusive of both preventative and curative care. By imparting preventative measures and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices, we can significantly reduce the burden of chronic diseases that so greatly burden our population and healthcare system. We also must have effective treatments for existing conditions as cures for many medical conditions remain elusive in spite of our best efforts. Ultimately, I believe that a balance of both preventative and curative medicine is essential and that we should work together to ensure equitable care for all.

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The government wants to track citizens across the country in order to maintain public safety in the face of growing terrorism. How would you advise the government to do this?
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If the government wants to track citizens across the country to maintain public safety, I believe it is important to do this in a way that respects the privacy of citizens. This can be done through measures such as anonymizing data, limiting data storage to a reasonable time frame, ensuring data security, and regularly reviewing and updating the policy based on developments in public safety and privacy concerns. For example, using biometric data to create a database of citizens can be used to track them but must include safeguards to ensure their data is only used for authorized activities such as locating a suspect. It is also important to communicate the purpose of the data tracking and how citizens can opt out of the database if they choose to do so.

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You are a health researcher at an academic institution. You have been asked to work on a top-secret vaccine that would treat biomedical weapons or other communicable diseases. Before your break through, you are instructed by the government to stop all research and turn over all materials and copies of your work to be destroyed. You know you are very close to finding a cure. What do you do?
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As a health researcher and doctor, my moral obligation is to the well-being and safety of all. In this case, I would prioritize following the instructions of the government, as I assume that whatever direction they are giving is for the greater good and likely for the betterment of society. Of course, I would be disappointed by the halt of any work to find a cure and would hope to be able to complete the project in the future. At the same time, with any directive from the government, their instructions must be followed. I would take the necessary steps to turn over all materials and copies of my work, as well as insure that nothing is left behind that could be used for a different purpose.

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You are shift supervisor at McDonalds fast food restaurant. The owner of the franchise has called you over. He is very upset as he has received 3 complaints in the last 30 minutes about the meat in the hamburgers being poorly cooked. There are two people (one male, one female both 15 years old) who have been cooking the meat for the past two hours. The female is the owner‟s daughter. How would you handle the situation?
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Thanks for the question. As shift supervisor at McDonalds, I have experience dealing with similar situations. When I am confronted with a situation like this, I always take into account the safety of the customers and employees.

The first step I would take is to investigate the situation. I would ask the owner questions to try to understand the exact complaints, like the nature of the issue and who reported them.

Next, I would discuss the concerns with the two employees who were in charge of the hamburger cooking shift to understand the process more thoroughly. I would ask about their process for preparing the meat, what temperature the meat had been cooked to, and if there are any additional safety measures that could be taken.

Depending on the answers, I would then put in place measures to rectify the situation. I would ensure that the customers who complained were provided with satisfactory compensation and that the issue was resolved correctly. I would also look into measures that we could put in place to ensure the same issue does not occur in the future, such as looking into the cooking temperature, staff training and development, and additional safety training.

At the end of the day, safety is always my number one priority. I believe that the best course of action in this case would be to investigate the situation, and then put in place measures to ensure the problem is corrected and doesn't recur. Thank you.

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You are part of a committee to decide where the money for health care in our province is spent. It is your turn to inform the committee of your opinion on what you think is the single most important area requiring funding.
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I believe the single most important area for healthcare funding in our province is mental health. We need to invest in mental health services, from supporting community-based mental health programs to expanding access to specialist care. We should put a priority on developing the infrastructure needed to support care for mental health in our region, including providing access to both emergency services and mental health professionals for follow-up care. Investing in mental health services can have wide-reaching impacts on our society, from reducing the impact of mental health issues on individuals and families to reducing healthcare costs. In addition, such investment would demonstrate a commitment to providing our citizens with the care they need to lead healthy and productive lives.

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The man who lives next door to you often rides his bicycle in the company of his two young children but without a helmet. In fact, on several occasions you have seen him riding with his helmet hanging by its straps from the handlebars. His young children sometimes wear a helmet, sometimes not. If the man fell off his bicycle and hurt his head in a way that would have been prevented if he had worn a helmet, would it be reasonable to ask him to contribute towards the treatment costs for his injury?
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This is a tricky situation, but it is important to remember that patient autonomy and safety is often the highest priority for a physician. The patient should be made aware of the potential risks associated with not wearing a helmet and be educated on the importance of wearing one. If he fell from his bike and hurt his head in a way that could've been prevented if he had worn a helmet, it might be reasonable to suggest that he contributes towards the treatment cost for his injury. I think it's important to approach this situation with empathy, understanding, and openness to ensure that the patient's wellbeing is always the primary concern.

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You are a current undergraduate student. During the week of graduation, you attend a number of parties around the Lower Mainland with your best friend, Kelly. The last party is held at a camp ground in Squamish. The morning after the party, you receive a call from Kelly. She asks that you come over and talk. Kelly reveals that she left early and drove home despite drinking that night. Enter the room and talk to Kelly.
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Hi Kelly. It's so nice to see you. What about graduation was so upsetting for you?

It's clear to me that something has been troubling you. I'm here to listen and talk if you want to share. Nothing you say will leave this room.

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How does Canadian health care system compare to that of Britain‟s system?
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I believe the Canadian health system is far more comprehensive and advanced than Britain's health system. We in Canada have a wide range of health care services and access to some of the best medical treatments available in the world. The Canadian health care system is built on a combination of public and private health care providers, which means that everyone in the country has access to basic medical coverage regardless of their income or employment status. In comparison, Britain's system is more limited and relies on a less well-structured three-tier system that can be costly for many citizens. Furthermore, Canadian citizens have access to more medical technology, resources and treatments than those in Britain, which allows for better care for our citizens.

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Without using your hands, explain how to tie shoe laces.
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Tying shoe laces without using your hands is a skill anyone can learn with a little bit of practice. The steps are as follows:

  1. Start with the shoe laces in each hand to create a cross shape.

  2. Place one foot inside the loop of laces.

  3. Holding onto one of the laces with your toes, rotate your foot so that the laces wrap around your ankle.

  4. Move either the right or left lace up and over the right foot, keeping tension on the laces.

  5. Pull the top of the lace upward so that they twist in the middle of the loop that is already around the ankle.

  6. Grab the remaining lace with the toes of your foot and pull the lace over the one that is already up toward the laces.

  7. Pull the laces tight and make sure that both loops are the same size.

And there you have it! You have securely tied your shoe laces without using your hands!

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A student is working in a clinic, where the office double book aboriginal patients. The student asks their reasoning and the receptionist replies that “These people never show up for their appointments.” How would you deal with this situation?
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In this situation, I would approach it with empathy and respect for both the receptionist and the Aboriginal patients. First and foremost, I would express to the receptionist that double booking Aboriginal patients is not the most efficient way to book appointments and not the best possible way to serve our patients. I would explore the reason why the receptionist feels double booking is necessary, and determine if there are any systemic barriers that may be preventing the Aboriginal patients from attending their appointments. I would discuss options with the receptionist that could be more effective in addressing the issue, such as reminder calls the night before, enabling Aboriginal patients to book their appointments quickly and efficiently, or providing additional resources to those patients who may have difficulty getting to the office for their appointments. In the end, my goal would be to ensure that all of our patients, regardless of their background, are provided with the same quality of service and access to care.

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John X is a convicted pedophile and repeat offender. He is about to be released from prison after serving 7 years of his 10-year sentence. He will be in close contact with his parole officer and he will be monitored on a daily basis. Should the community be aware of John X's history? You are in charge of deciding whether or not to warn the community about John X. What issues/factors would you consider in making your decision?
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As a doctor, my primary concern in this situation is ensuring the safety of the community. Therefore, all decisions made will be based on protecting the community from potential harm or threat. In deciding whether or not to warn the community about John X’s history, I would consider several issues and factors. Firstly, I would evaluate the risk John X poses to the public. I would understand the nature and gravity of his past offenses, the length of his sentence and whether or not he underwent rehabilitation while in prison. I would assess the likelihood of a repeat offense and whether or not the community should be counseled on potential safety measures. Additionally, I would consider the potential implications of informing the community in regards to John X’s privacy and protecting the reputation of the community. All of these considerations would be taken into account when making my decision about whether or not to warn the community about John X’s history.

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